Saturday, August 31, 2013

I really wish I was not still playing fucking phone tag with my doctor.  Because I really do need to be on medication, still, and today on its own just reinforced that, I think.

All I've done is sit here on the couch in a daze that I've been unable to get out of.  I did get one page of writing done, though I say that hesitantly, because what I have written is pure garbage and I probably will need to rewrite it and everything anyway.  I just don't know how to go about continuing what I have, so I might just give up trying for tonight and try to go into the office and write it tomorrow.  Heh, I said that yesterday, though.  But I couldn't muster the willpower to even go into the office because I suck at everything.

I don't know.  I should have had this thing done three days ago, probably.  If we don't get the next bout of funding I know it will be my fault, since it apparently is super dependent on my report of judicial elections.  So that pressure is awesome.

Like I said, this really should not be difficult.  But it really is, for some reason.

Plus I'm getting impatient, and I really should not be.  

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