Friday, August 26, 2016

Callie woke me up at around 4:45 because she had diarrhea...which I stepped in while opening my bedroom door.

It was gross.

So my Friday has already been interesting.

Also! I passed my prospectus defense! More on that maybe later.

Friday, August 19, 2016


Hey there blogger, it has been a while.

Things have actually been...overall decent, with some exceptions.

After a summer of not having much inspiration to work,, I had an epiphany of sorts which kind of reworked my entire thesis into something I actually really like, because it is new and exciting and is actually a theory and involves game theory modeling and formal mathematical stuff and uses principal-agency with gender and I really am excited about it.  Which is weird and foreign and awesome.  Like, I really enjoy talking about it and I like the whole idea (even if the theory is moderately depressing from a real-world standpoint...from an academic standpoint it is great though lawl).  My adviser has even said that he wishes he thought of it and it is something he doesn't think anyone has ever even tried doing before (and that's even before I take gender into account, which I am still doing); my base model is something new and that is kind of a big deal since I spent so long trying to figure out what I wanted and where I wanted to go with my dissertation.

I finally have something I am really excited about.

So, I'm defending my prospectus on Tuesday; so far I've been told that I should pass, especially since everyone seems really into my ideas and everything, so I'm trying to not get too nervous.  I actually think the excitement about the theory is overriding my nervousness/anxiety right now, because I'm just kind of stoked about having my entire committee in one room so I can gush about this whole idea.  I'm sure they'll criticize and try and help and everything, but I'm hoping they won't be overly harsh to me at this moment in time.  I really don't want to get discouraged about it right at the beginning.  (Which is a reason I picked the adviser I did, since he has always been encouraging and offered constructive criticism without getting too harsh; although I'm technically an Americanist first, he is comparative, but my base stuff with principal-agency and game theory isn't specific to the U.S.; one of the applications will be, but I guess in a way this is a comparative-American hybrid project...which I like.)

Also on Tuesday I start my adjunct position up at a community college in Syracuse!  Despite that I said I didn't want to TA this semester, I decided that actually having my own class would be preferable (plus there is extra money involved, which I always need).  It means I get to set the schedule and the assignments and all that stuff, and the class only meets once a week for a little less than three hours and only has I think 14 people in it.  I'm curious how it will go, and I am kind of nervous about taking the helm and everything, but I actually want to try and set this class up to be fun and not overly difficult.

We'll see; I still need to finalize the syllabus and everything.  The first week's class should be short, considering it is just an introductory class and I won't have given them any material to read or anything like that.

Gishwhes this year was a lot of fun, but I sadly got really sick during it so wasn't able to do as much as I would have liked.  But my team was amazing and creative and I was able to get out a few things in the last two days.

Likewise, Otakon was fun, though I felt like it went by extremely fast this year for some reason.  I was slightly disappointed that I wasn't able to stay in my Blackquill costume as long as I would have liked was just too hot to keep on for very long.  But it turned out amazing, and people responded super well to it.

Got more prints I have no wall space for, so I'm getting an art portfolio thing to put them in because I am a looooooser.

Some bad stuff though: on the way home from Ota, I was super sleepy, so I let my sister drive.  Unfortunately I fell asleep long enough so she passed the exit to the Verrazano (my preferred exit) and was heading to the GWB.  But there was traffic that way; she I think got frustrated and tried to switch lanes at some point, and wasn't paying attention to the person in front of her (looking in the rear-view mirror) and crashed into them.

Luckily, no one was hurt and the air bags didn't deploy or anything, but Junior was a little wrecked on the driver's side, so he had to get towed and my dad had to come get us at the nearest rest stop.  She was very apologetic, of course, and was panicking throughout the whole thing so I tried my best to stay as calm as possible.  I have great insurance though, because Junior is a lease, so everything should be covered minus the $500 deductible, which is good.

My mom let me take her car back up to Binghamton at least, since she knew I had a ton of things I had to get done.

Also, I'm watching roommate's cat this weekend and she has been super bitchy to the point where I have no idea how to discipline her?  Like, I just tried moving her at one point and she tried biting me (and not in the playful way that she does with me at times), and then she ran up to Callie and started hissing and swiping at her face even though Callie wasn't doing anything to her and was legit just sitting there minding her own business.  And basically, if she goes after Callie without merit we have a serious problem.

Now, I have zero idea how to discipline a cat, so in these moments I treat her like a dog?  As in, my voice gets low and stern and I kind of stare her down and I did some semblance of a faceplant and I'm wondering if that is helping or hurting.  I mean, she didn't do anything like that again after I did it, so I'm not sure.  I know dogs and cats do not have the same mentality, so I shouldn't necessarily treat the cat like a dog, but I'm also more concerned with how my dog sees me than the cat?  And if the cat is causing trouble in my room (Callie's space as well), I feel this weird need to assert myself as still alpha so the whole order doesn't get screwed up.

I dunno, maybe I'm also just like "no, I'm not dealing with this bitchiness," because I'm not a cat person (despite having lived with and enjoyed cats before) and so I'm less willing to put up with that stuff.

Speaking of, I got a new roommate!  She is a first year in the program and so far she has been super nice and cool and stuff, and I just hope I don't annoy her too much.

Oh, and there is some very very awesome stuff with fam that I can't say right now because it was requested that no one says anything just yet so I'll even refrain from saying it here but it is good.

I'm probably missing some stuff here and there but you get the picture.

I do need to get back to the gym and mma soon.