Monday, November 4, 2019

Almost the moment I sit down to try and grade some papers I find my mind just wandering off aimlessly.  Like...even if I graded like...5 a day or something I'd be done in a week and that would be great but for some reason I just haven't been able to them?  I start to and then my mind wanders and I feel like I'm just looking at words and not absorbing them.  So I go try to do something else and then get mad at myself for not just sitting down to take care of these.

It probably wouldn't be so bad if I didn't give excessive amounts of commentary (as I've been told by multiple people, anyway).  I just figure that if they can improve, then its worth my putting the time in, or something.  I don't know. 

And Wednesdays I've dedicated solely to my own work (with zero exception), so I won't be grading any on that day.  But I do have office hours tomorrow and friend wants to get together after I finish at the gym to do work and shit so maybe that will help somehow.

I'm still dealing with that fuck of a student and I want to tear my hair out.

Signed up for NaNo this year, though with a twist/caveat - rather than saying "I'm going to write a novel," I just put everything under 'catchall.'  So it includes my dissertation and any/all fics and fic updates.  Basically I'm not so interested in just writing a continuous novel but more in just...writing.  Especially since I started writing fic again very very recently.  I want to do that as much as I can before the inevitable "I can't write fic/I can't write for fun" happens again. 

So, if I can write 50k words during the month - no matter what they're on - I'll be pretty pleased.

Also I feel weird and hot and cold at the same time this is annoying.