Saturday, August 24, 2013

The first year that we are hosting is from California, so she has never been to Friendly's before.  Or rather, hasn't before we decided to take her there for lunch.  She enjoyed it, from what I got, but none of us got ice cream since we ate too much regular food.  

Afterwards, we went to a nice park that Nancy had been telling me about, but it was James who actually directed us there.  It was really nice there!  It was sort of muddy and everything but after we all accepted that and got over it we had a good time.  Callie was able to run around in the lake and we went on a small mile long hike and it was nice.  I took some pictures which might be up later.  

I did actually have a good time while I was there.  It helped me not think about him and those stupid emails and his stupid face and you know.  Immature stuff like that.  

Though on the way back, since I was listening to Say Anything, it kind of all flooded back to me like it always does.  No matter what activities I occupy my mind with, I know it is only a temporary running away from all the other shit that lives inside my head.  

All the super bad thoughts about wanting to disappear and whatnot have kind of resurfaced in a really intense way.  And I know I should have my medication, but my doctor still has not called me back or anything.  Which is super annoying. 

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