Thursday, August 29, 2013

All of a sudden I was hit with sad feels.  Really for no reason.  After finishing this book on pirates (which, as I mentioned, was awesome), I've just been sitting here watching television, and it hit me really randomly.  I should be doing more work at the very least but I just...don't want to.  Really, I kind of want to sleep but I'm not tired enough to.

Of course, sad feels just make me reread things and think about things that I should stay away from and everything.  

I wish I just had someone to cuddle with right now, honestly.  Someone I could just hug and I could get hugged in return and we could watch television together and eat food that is really bad for us while ignoring any of our work.  Someone who, when I squeeze them, would squeeze me tight as a way to let me know that they're there for me even when I'm feeling sad. 

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