Saturday, August 31, 2013

I don't understand why writing up this fucking memo is so difficult to me right now.  I really really really don't.  It isn't that hard.  Or rather, it should not be.  It really should be something simple, especially since it is all information that I know a lot about since I've been reading shit all goddamn summer.

These sorts of inspirational blocks just make me wonder why I am doing this.  Like...if I can't even come up with some way to write something that should be simple and should just flow out of me, how the hell am I going to be able to write something that requires more thought?

I don't know.  I often go through this doubting, but...I'm really not good at anything else.  So if I'm not good at this and at nothing else, really, what the hell else is left for me to do?


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