Monday, August 12, 2013

I think I caught some post-con sickness, since I've been bed-ridden all day with headache and exhaustion and stuff.  I took a nap for about two hours, which made things worse at first, but then I took some medicine so I'm feeling a little bit better than I was.

My dad apologized for the knee-jerk emotional reaction, which I appreciated, though I was in a mode of not really wanting to talk about it much.

I should have called my doctor again today, but I forgot.  Really...I don't want to.  I'm tired of playing one-sided phone tag, really.  It is getting annoying.  I don't want to, but I really need those meds refilled and everything so I kind of have to.

This was going to be longer but I'm still really tired and my mind is blank and stuff.

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