Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Sometimes I don't know what is the best way to scold Callie when she does something wrong (that she knows is wrong).  So when she doesn't come to me when I call her after she bolts out the door when I'm trying to go out, I get more and more angry, because she knows what she should do.  So other than harshly telling her she did bad, I don't...really know what else I am supposed to do.  Bah.

I want to learn how to skateboard.  I've been thinking about trying to pick it up or something.  Friends have already told me that they're surprised I don't do it already, and I told them I always kind of wanted to learn, but didn't think I had the balancing ability necessary to actually do it.  But now I'm curious.

Then again, this might be added to the list of "things Allie wishes to do but never will for various reasons."

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