Saturday, August 17, 2013

Started re-watching Hellsing, but in English instead of Japanese, since everyone has been telling me how good the English dub is.  And really is quite good so far.  Everyone has proper accents and it is done really well.  Anderson's might be my favourite so far, because his accent is Scottish and it makes me very very pleased.  I only got through the first episode because I want to watch the new episode of Too Cute.

Going from vampires and monsters slaughtering each other to puppies.  Totally not mood whiplash between those two shows at all.

Also I took a video of Callie getting out of her crate while Brendan and I stepped out to go shopping and...let's just say she is quite determined.  I might edit the video down and put it up because I found it really funny.  Though I am afraid that she might hurt herself or something one day, and I don't want that at all.

Guy comes to Binghamton today.  Meh.  I know I should still have the talk with him, but I'm tired and don't really want to.

Trainer's son also texted me back and I haven't responded.  I know I shouldn't just blow him off...but I'm exhausted and don't want to do anything, really.

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