Monday, August 5, 2013

I woke up kind of late this morning but Callie was good about it and after our walk I decided to mow since I have been putting that off forever.  It wouldn't be as annoying as it is if the front wheel drive (I...think that is what it's called) actually worked.  But it doesn't, so it is a bit harder to push and we have a somewhat hilly and big yard so it takes at least an hour and a half usually to do both the front and the back.  Hence why I had been putting it off for so long.  But it was getting unbearably long, honestly.

So that is done and I need to go to the shelter in about a half hour.  Normally I'd go from 2-5, but I need to be at the trainer's house at 5:30 instead of six, so I'm going to get there earlier.

I have Callie laying in her crate right now and I'm kind of hoping that if I just have her sit or lay down in it while I'm around, she will be less skiddish about it when no one is around.  Because she has been bad with chewing on things and that's not fair to everyone else, you know?  Right now she seems okay, and I'll take her out for another walk before I leave and then I'll put her in the crate.  I don't have zipties, but I'll try and put things around on the crate to see how she will do.

Speaking of, I'm pretty sure her favourite show is It's Always Sunny.  Probably because I watch it all the time.

Thinking about things.  Thinking and wondering.  Feel a bit better than yesterday but I think I've passed into the not caring realm.  Like things have become so overwhelming that I longer care.  I really really don't.  Right this second, I mean.  I might later, and I probably will, but I don't right now.

Should talk to guy, but don't care enough to right now.

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