Saturday, August 3, 2013

Train post

On the Jersey transit and heading into the city right now. I'm kinda in a weird state of mind and stuff. Like I'm not...excited. it is kind of the same emotionlessness I felt right before the cruise. And because of that I feel this weird disconnect from everyone. I might refrain from drinking because I will probably pass into depressed drunk if it gets to that point. Eh. I'm going to try and have fun, but it is kind of like I'm just going through the motions.

Since I've been like this, I asked my dad if my doctor ever called me back at home, since I called before the cruise and I haven't gotten a callback or anything. But I kind of want my medication.

Guy texted me before and asked me if I was alright and I of course just told him I was fine, even though that is kind of a lie. I both want and do not want to talk to him, but regardless I should not tonight since tonight is supposed to be about Steph and all.

Maybe I will feel more energized after food. I haven't eaten really since this morning. So like...ten hours ago, really. Aside from a bag of chips. That's it. Oops.

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