Saturday, August 24, 2013

I've been all fucking responsible this morning with paying things off.  Some student loan stuff, credit card stuff, got some books for one of my classes...I am on fire.  Though I only got 4 of the 6 books I need...I should probably get on the rest of them, but I don't really want to right this second.

Part of me misses the cold weather for the sole reason of me not being able to wear my boots and leather jacket when it is hot out.  And I miss wearing those things oh so very much, really.  I can't wait for fall to hit so I can bring those out again.

Now if only I can get responsible about doing work and everything for class.  Hmm.

Maybe later.

I've had enough responsible actions this morning, so it might be time to have some fun or some shit.

In that weird emotionless state right now where I don't care about fucking anything.  It is both exhilarating and horrendous.

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