Saturday, August 10, 2013

Cards Against Humanity

So I got out of my costume around 6 because it was hot and I'm not so in the mode of needing to be in costume on Friday night. I'd rather save the all day cosplaying for Saturday.

We ran to Five Guys for dinner and I was a bit nervous because two of McKenna's friends wanted to leave to eat but the rest of us wanted to stay so we split. McKenna stayed with me and Matt, which made me kinda happy. We then walked around a bit before going back to the hotel room.

Now, I'm realizing more and more I...really do have issues with body image. I mean I've always kind of known that (having posted a few entries about the subject), but I'm guessing it is easier to notice and all. Since I'm still at a size 0, a size I originally wasn't happy with and one I thought too thin...I've wanted to maintain that size now. So when I think I ate too much, I start saying that I did and saying I will have to eat less later or something and I get super relieved when I'm reminded that I'm going to be walking around all weekend and that will burn a lot of calories. Even while I was on the cruise I constantly asked if I was eating too much and everything. It is weird, really. I dunno. And my desire to remain this size can stem from a few things, I guess; I'm pretty sure I've talked about possibilities before this. But it might be good again to think about that. But not right now.

We decided to head back to the con to play Cards Against Humanity and my god that game was so long and epic and more and more people kept randomly joining. And I feel the need to write what this card was that I couldn't even read aloud: "a cat video so cute that your eyes roll back and your spine slides out your anus." And that was what I picked to win that round, describing what I would bring to the past to convince people I was a powerful wizard.

We think we might play tomorrow night also. Because that was so good. I can't even.

Since we were talking about this: I think a cool expansion to the Harry Potter storyline would be an actual war between muggles and wizards. Like...muggles learn about their existence for real and witch/wizard hunters pop out and a real shitstorm happens. Because idk if I buy that muggles would lose, since they kind of have intense technological advantages. And unless a wizard is good enough to use spells without having to say them out loud (I totes forgot what that is called but I know it starts with an l), then I...don't think they will be able to win in a gunfight. But I might be wrong aha. Idk I just was thinking! I like the whole magic-user vs. non-magic-user struggle.

Anyway...abridged panel early tomorrow. So gotta get up early and put on cosplay and head out.

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