Monday, August 19, 2013

I hung out with guy for a little bit and it was nice.  Though a bit weird at points, but nice.

We went to lunch at Lost Dog, which was yummy and everything, and we just chatted about school and other random things.  Then, I decided we would go to Wegman's, but I couldn't remember how to get there from where I was, so I ended up just driving down this one road for a while and getting us a bit lost.

Now, normally I wouldn't mind getting lost, but he kept making comments about how I drove so far out of the way and everything so...I don't think he enjoys it as much as I do.  I mean, I don't mind and sometimes like just driving around, and I guess I'm used to people who like to do that too.  It was a bit disappointing that he was so...anti-that, I guess.  Not that it really matters anyway.

Heh, it is funny; we got a little on the serious topic that I kind of have been avoiding.  He said he was sorry, and I replied that it was fine.  But then - since he is kind of really good about reading people - he said my tone reflected disappointment and also a..."I'm not surprised and I'm used to it" sort of mentality.  Which is completely true.

Though trainer's son messaged me asking if I would like to get food sometime and...I don't know.  I don't really want to and that is not his fault whatsoever.  Really, it isn't.  I'm just tired and don't really want to do this all again.  And because of those thoughts it makes me have no romantic interest in him.  I feel bad.  I don't know why I do, but I do.  Maybe if I agree to go out I can have this conversation in person and all, and that might be better.  Then again, maybe explaining it to him before anything happens would be best.  Bah.  I don't know.  I just want to crawl into a room where I don't have to talk to anyone.


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