Wednesday, August 14, 2013

I need to make my desk more nerdy, but whenever I have time to decorate, I always forget shit.

I have a meeting at 11:30 with the research gang.  Maybe I'll bring some stuff and put it there.  Even though I'm contemplating moving desks.  I love the location of my office, because it is close to a bunch of professors and they always stop in and have cool conversations with us, ex-roommate is there and I hate being in there if he is in there and stuff, seriously.  There were rumours that he was going to move but I don't know if that is actually happening, which makes me sad.

But wahh, I like my office otherwise.

I'm pretty sure I had a dream but it is really fuzzy so I can't really remember.

Listening to Big D and the Kids Table and it is enjoyable overall so far.  Though I won't lie...I don't really enjoy the reggae sounds as much as the ska ones.  That's just a preference on my part and all; the way it is done objectively seems good.  I just would rather listen to the ska punk aspect of them.

Ordered the box sets for Hellsing Ultimate because that is a series I should own.  Because it is most excellent and I want to watch it.

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