Thursday, August 1, 2013

Did a shit ton of errands today, which was really good.  I still need to mow the lawn and find a longer chain for my cosplay necklace, but overall I did get a lot done today.  Now I'm waiting for my bedding to finish in the dryer while watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail and I'm already excited.  It's been too long since I watched this movie and already with the credits alone I'm so pumped to rewatch it again.

Talked to Nancy about all my stuff, which really helped.  I was told that my happy reaction to the news is not anything bad.  In fact, it is good, simply for being an emotion of some kind.  That my happiness is okay and does not mean anything like wanting him back or anything like that.  And then she gave me advice on not bottling up my emotions and running away to games and stuff to try and repress them (which is exactly what I did yesterday).  That that causes more negative consequences than positive ones, and that it is far better for me to let things out and allow myself to feel them.

Also, I was advised that I might be underestimating my friends a bit.  That I think they won't tell me if I'm being too...overwhelming and stuff.  And that I shouldn't be afraid of trying to talk to them and everything.

...Gonna focus on watching now, since I'm mostly doing that anyway.

Also I started this entry with a full sleeve of Ritz crackers, and now it's almost completely empty.  Oops.

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