Friday, August 9, 2013

Day 1

So far, anyway.

I've just been walking around, really. People really like my costume a lot. Like the people that recognize me get really really excited and everything. And many have been saying I died too horrible a death aha. Also, actually, an artist got so excited when she saw me that she gave me a print of Rip for free. After I told her I'd give her money, she said no and said that it has been forever since she's seen a good Rip Van Winkle and all. So that made me all ifjfbjd for a bit aha. 

But now I really wanna watch Hellsing super badly. Everyone keeps telling me the English dub of it is actually amazing and all so I might go through and watch it again but in English instead. Kinda want to do that when I get back.

I've been walking around with Matt a lot, which is awesome! He's playing someone from Persona 4 I think. McKenna has been more off with her other friends, which is a little sad because I want to steal her from them and drag her with me instead.

Some seriousness: I am still having weird...up and downs. I've been by myself some times and when I sit down I often find myself reading a certain thing over and over and gah. I don't know. It just hits me in all different ways and I know I shouldn't be focusing on that and I should instead be focusing on having a good time but still. And I have messages from different people and I should respond to them (one of them being trainer's son) and I really...don't want to. But I also don't want to be rude. Meh. Maybe I'll at least respond to him and tell him I'm at a con this weekend so won't really be available until Monday. Idk.


Oh I also got a Rip commission, a LSP magnet, and a print of a bunch of cute ass puppies because puppies.

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