Wednesday, August 14, 2013


FINALLY.  My headphones came back (or rather, new ones came in)!  I'm so excited to be able to have them on all the time again aaaaaah. 

Spent a long time talking about anime and stuff with Brendan, which was pretty sweet.  Though it made me miss things and I don't want to miss things.  Boo. 

Also he told me that the wine tour has been scheduled for the 19th of October, UC's homecoming.  So now I have a decision to make.  I forgot to tell him to try and avoid that weekend.  I'll probably do the wine tour and all, especially since I missed it last year but...wahh I want to go to Ursinus too.  Maybe I'll go down to PA another weekend and stuff.  Or maybe I can go down just for Friday night and stuff.  Decisions decisions...

But I'd rather just take stupid pictures than make any sort of decisions.  

I should go to bed.  Really.  But I wanna play with someone.  Really I just wanna make funny faces and act like a dorky kid and all.  But no one is here to hang and roll and wiggle around with me.  Wahhhh. 

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