Saturday, August 17, 2013

Law Reviews

Since I am focusing my research this summer on judicial elections, I have had to wade through the pool of law reviews, and let's just say...the pool is not very pretty.  Law reviews are kind of long drawn out pieces that don't...say much.  They take way too long to get to the point, and most of them don't use any sort of data and just kind of start making weird conclusions all over the place.

My professor actually apologized to me for me having to read through some of these.  But it is worth it, because becoming familiar with this particular subset of literature on judicial elections (not only the law reviews, but the other stuff too), I think I have solidified myself on this project, since I'm now the team expert on this stuff (and that is including the subteams at Columbia and Fordham).

Also I'm pretty sure I've committed to making American my major field.  I don't think I ever really strayed from that, and some stuff has made me realize that is probably where I should stay.  I was told that I could always still become well-versed in British politics, and a lot of times, people who do American-British stuff are actually considered more American than Comparative anyway.  So woo.

Also I have my committee picked out for my qualifying exam, and I was told I should use my replication paper, so I'm definitely going to do that.  I just need to officialize it - they need to sign this green paper and stuff and then I need to send the paper out to all of them and then I need to pick out a date.

Nervous already, what the shit.

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