Thursday, August 15, 2013

I'm trying to upload a video I created last night but youtube is taking forever and while vimeo uploaded it, it reduced it to 3 minutes, when it is more like...36 minutes.  So joy.

Had my session, and was told that it was very good of me that I waited so I could sort out feelings and stuff.  That it shows a ton of growth on my part, since a few months ago, I probably would have crashed and burned if I got that email, and I would have most likely responded immediately and stuff.

So it was nice to hear that I have made actual progress.

I was advised - since we all know a response is 99% likely to happen - to write down some bullet points of things I want to get to.  I will not do that here and now, since I am exhausted and stuff and I'm making pasta since I have not eaten at all today due to nerves and everything.

Later maybe I'll go more in detail but I really am very tired.  I need food.

Maybe later I'll get ice cream.

Also Hellsing is supposed to come today so.  Yay.

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