Saturday, August 24, 2013

Head TA

Since I'm the only person out of the comparative TAs who has TA experience, I was designated the head TA and...I don't really want to be.  Being the head TA means there is a fuck ton more work than you even have to do as a regular TA and I don't want to, wahh.  But maybe if I take this weekend to start thinking about how we should grade and come up with a template page (aka - just create a master sheet for everyone and tell them to update it weekly so we don't have the clusterfuck of trying to create that giant ass page like we did last year)...maybe I can just take the one we had last year and make it a google shared document so that everyone can update it accordingly and everything.  

Bah, I don't know. 

I'll do stuff today, I will.  I need to rummage through my emails and how we did things last year.  But really, I might want to do how we did with American, to be honest.  The thing with the American government class was that it was more...if you talked a lot an made a lot of good points, you received more credit.  Whereas comparative didn't do that.  Then again, I know it is much more difficult for undergraduates to talk about comparative politics in the same fashion they discuss American, because they know more (or more accurately...they think they know more) about American government than comparative. 

Also I am still on the research team for the thing I've been doing throughout the summer.  I hate to be that guy, but I need to ask if I'm going to continue getting money for that.  Because doing that on top of my TA stuff on top of my own classes and on top of my own independent research that I should really fucking get started on...yeah.  I could use the extra funds just to keep me going.  There will be a lot of Denny's runs again this semester, I imagine! 

Gonna do something today with Callie to try and train her to not try and escape her crate.  I'm not sure if it will work.  Basically, I'm going to skype my phone from my computer and watch her as I leave.  When she starts trying to break out, I'm going to run back inside and tell her no.  If she goes some time without trying to leave, I'm going to come back and give her a treat.  We'll see if it works.  I'll probably have to do it multiple times. 

I've been slacking on doing training stuff with her.  Bah.  

I want to go to the movies today, I think.  Help me forget more about shit.

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