Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I had a dream but all I really remember from it was a kiss.  A very sad yet passionate kiss.  One that had a similar feel to some I've had before.  And because of these things, I know who it was with in-dream and that makes me both angry and upset.  Angry (really at myself) because I am tired of having dreams like this about him.  I really am.  I do not want to see him when I sleep as much as I do.  It just sucks, to put it so very bluntly.  It sucks and it hurts me and it makes me long for things I know I should not long for.  And I suppose those are also the reasons I become upset as well.

Sometimes I wonder what he would think about all this.  If I told him what goes on in my dreams between us.  These sorts of dreams are the worst for me to handle; the easiest ones are me yelling at and walking away from him.  But these?  These are terrible to me.  And I wonder what he would think.  Probably he would find me pathetic, even more so than he probably does now.  I don't know why I care about such a thing, honestly.  It is just something I think about, I guess.

Session today.

Also this comic be relevant.  Unfortunately.

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