Thursday, August 29, 2013

I'm still all sicky and that makes me very sad.  Wahh.

Also I went to campus this morning thinking that I would be there for most of the day doing work, but then I got a text during the intro seminar (that I don't...need to go to but I do anyway) from Brendan saying he was locked out of the house, so I had to go back home to let him in.  So now I'm home, and while I will still try to do work, I...doubt I'll get as much done as I would have if I was still on campus.  And I am more than okay with that, actually.

Had a house meeting that actually went really well.  Huzzah!

There's a Streetlight Manifesto concert in Philadelphia on the 2nd of October and I might...go.  I originally wanted to go to the one in NYC on the 1st, but I have to teach a class at 8:30 in the morning on Wednesdays and I also have my Congress class then, so if I wait and then go to Philly after all that, I can stay over and stuff, since I don't have anything I really need to be at on Thursdays.

So...if I can get someone to watch Callie, I think this might have to happen.

Still thinking about things and all.  Wondering and stuff.  I should probably stop, but it is difficult for me to do so.

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