Sunday, August 18, 2013

Trash talk

I should record myself while I play Halo one day, because all I do is just scream and stuff at the television and talk about how 'only assholes use the energy sword' (aka - I am jealous that they use it so effectively, since I have trouble with that).  Actually - besides the fear of getting sexist comments for being female - a huge reason I refuse to play with the headset a lot is because I...really do trash talk.  Without meaning to, though.  It just kind of comes out.  I call people a bunch of terrible names and yell and curse at my screen and shit and I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be fun to listen to while playing on my team and all.  I'd get reported all over the place.

But it might be amusing to listen to it, since I kind of don't realize it.  My roommates tell me that I'm apparently hilarious, especially since I sit there and scream about how "this game is bullshit/crap/etc.," and always sound like I'm hating every second of it.

It is kind of a good way to get out my frustrations.  Yet it is also a way to make myself even more frustrated aha.  But I guess with this and other games that do the same thing to me it is a...redirection of my anger.  Instead of being angry at life crap, I can temporarily forget about that stuff and be angry that what was clearly a headshot on my part didn't register as such, and I died because of that.

I have a slight headache now, so I should probably go to sleep super soon.  

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