Tuesday, August 20, 2013

I'm really tired for some reason.  I should probably get some form of caffeine, but I am in the office and have the puppers with me so I'd have to drag her with me upstairs and everything and have her wait in line and stuff.  I would just go to the vending machines but I don't think I have any cash on me.  So.  Yay.

Session went well.  I told her about my response and what I said.  I said a lot of what I wanted to say and I'm happy with myself for not lying and saying that everything is okay when that is not actually the case at all.  I've said that to too many people and I still often do, so it is good that I told him that no, I'm not happy and everything is not fine and stuff.

Got one of my professors to sign the sheet for my committee for my qualifying exam and stuff.  I really do need to reread my replication paper, since that is what I'll be using and all.

Unfortunately I couldn't get someone to watch the pup tomorrow, so I can't go down to Philly for Dropkick Murphys concert.  I'm actually quite sad about that.

This was going to be longer.

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