Monday, August 12, 2013

I said something to my dad, and now I think I should have just kept my mouth shut.

He pretty much just gave a few explanations for why it was written, none of which were very...good.  And kind of went on this thing that I didn't want to hear about how people like that never change and everything and I know how he is and that is how it is going to stay and all.  While I find his attitude towards the ex very understandable...that wasn't really what I wanted to hear or anything, so I kind of shut down.

Really, I would've liked a "how are you dealing/are you okay?" sort of thing and that wasn't really what I was given and now I feel bad/stupid for thinking about anything other than the explanations that he offered.  Though despite my feeling stupid and feeling like I may be falling into something I shouldn't be...I don't want what my dad was saying to be true.  I don't.  Even though it very well might be and track record indicates that is more likely than what I'm thinking.

But I don't know.

Truthfully, I don't even know what I think.  I just know what I don't want to think.  If...that makes any sort of sense.

I should not have said anything, because now I feel worse than before.

And I have a headache.

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