Thursday, August 22, 2013


Callie has been having bad diarrhea all morning and I'm - of course - very worried.  Ah.  At one point she tried to warn me by whining and going to the door, which she usually does when she has to go to the bathroom.  Since she had it bad on our morning walk, I figured she might have to do it again.  But she didn't go, so I thought she had just been whining for attention and it was just a one-time deal.  The attention thing made sense, since Brendan and I were cleaning all morning since we're hosting a first year and actually wanted our place to look respectable and everything.  But then (a while after I took her out again) I passed by the bathroom at some point and saw that she had had diarrhea in there.  I cleaned it, and wasn't mad at her at all; she tried to warn me and everything.

I was gagging like crazy while doing it.  This is tmi, but...the combination of shit and cleaning products produces the most gut-wrenching smell.  Holy fucking shit.  I can't.  It was disgusting.

And then I took her out for another walk and she had it again two more times.  I have the prescription food for gastrointestinal health still, so I put some of that in her bowl, but it might be better for me to not feed her for the day, and just give her water and stuff, like what I did when she was throwing up a lot.  I don't know.  I'm going to Petsmart to get her a new antler (I think today might actually be her birthday, too), so maybe I'll ask the vet there for advice.  I don't want to rush her in or anything.  I'll wait and if this keeps up, then I'll go in next week or something.

TA meeting at the pub later.  I love my professors.  They'd rather meet there than meet at the school because "there are too many undergrads running around now."  Also President Obama is coming here tomorrow, so people might be preparing for that and everything.

Someone has rubbed off on me more than I realized.  When I was cleaning, I saw a spider.  I was going to kill it, but I felt this weird...guilt.  I didn't want to take its life.  So I didn't.  Which is weird, because I really dislike spiders and everything.

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