Friday, August 30, 2013

Finally, I went out and got some medicine for my cough and everything, though I still feel all sorts of awful at the moment even though I took stuff.  I really want to take Callie to the park too, since I feel like it might be good for her to get outside and run around with other puppers and all, but I just don't feel well at all.  Wahh.  I might try to suck it up for her.  It also kind of blows because I really need to write up a new memo for my professor for the judicial elections, but it is really difficult for me to get motivated or to clear my head while I'm feeling all sick.

Guy is having this big game night thing at his place tonight, and I was going to go but I really...don't want to if I'm still feeling like this.  Heh...I realize I'm still calling him 'guy' and I should probably stop, since that whole thing between us is pretty much dead.  How about 'person formally known as guy' or something like that.  I guess I can call him a friend.  Since he is that still, regardless of what happened.  It works out, since any feels have pretty much gone away.  

If only everything worked like that, really. 

Still wish I could cuddle with someone.  I think sickness makes me want that even more.  So much so that I actually express that is something I want.  Ha. 

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