Friday, August 30, 2013

Once again, I have had zero motivation to do anything all day.  I at least was able to muster up the willpower to head over to the dog park so Callie could run around and everything, but since we've gotten back I've lazily been in bed, wondering when I would start the rewrite of that memo for my research project.  But I have no motivation or inspiration to write it.

I'm surprised I don't have more squishables than I have, honestly.  The last two I bought were both kind of on whims when I was feeling very sad, and that is always a site I go to when I'm feeling down (hence why I visit it quite a lot).  Right now I have four: the first I got because I had been wanting it, the second I bought because sad feels, the third was a gift, and now the fourth was also because of sadness.  I love having them, really.  They're soft and they are something to cuddle (even if they do not cuddle in return) when I am feeling lonely (and Callie is sleeping or off somewhere under my she is right now).  

I know it is childish of me, to have so many of them and other stuffed animals/pokemon/stuff, but they are cute and provide me with some happiness at times.  I will probably get more in the future.  

Hell, I go to sleep cuddling Dewott every night.  It used to be Wolfy, and before that it was Zorua.  Not squishables, but they all kind of are important to me in some way.  Unfortunately, Zorua is gone (I wonder if he even still has him sometimes...I don't know.  Things like that were important to me but maybe not to anyone else), and Wolfy is...on my bookshelf, until memories fade. 

I don't know why I got into this discussion about my stuffed animals and their importance to me.  I'm feeling sick and sad and wanting someone's company but not enough to get up and go find someone.  And really, I only would want the company of one person; people are having get-togethers, and the idea of socializing right now is kind of exhausting to me. 

Really, aside from sickness, I have no real reason to feel down.  Aside from the usual reasons, I suppose.  I ought to at least get something done... 

This apathy so early on in the school year is terrible.  Then again...I suppose I had this apathy all through the summer and through last semester.  And I got stuff done.  Yeah...

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