Sunday, August 18, 2013

Got through episodes II-VIII of Hellsing Ultimate today and what a wonderful day it has been.  I would finish it up and watch the last two, but the box sets I bought only go up to VIII since IX and X haven't been released in English yet.  And I kind of really hope they finish it up; the English dub is actually - as I said - really fucking good.  I might enjoy it a bit more than the original Japanese, because the accents are impeccable and just so fun.  Anderson's Scottishness especially pleases me.

And though I knew Pip was French, I always pictured him as Australian.  Maybe it is the hat or the braid or the combination of both, haha.

Guy is officially in Binghamton, and we said that we would get lunch tomorrow and I might help him move some stuff in and everything.  I'm kind of nervous and all, but I know I need to have that discussion with him, and I figure an in-person talk, even though it might be super uncomfortable and I might have trouble with it, is for the best.  Really, these sorts of talks should be done face-to-face, and I should get over my fears of doing things like that.

Should've done more work today.  But Hellsing just kind of sucks me in whenever I start watching.  Because Hellsing.  It's my favourite for a reason.

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