Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Wedding date

So I didn't think she was actually going to say she could make it, but Anisha is officially my date to my sister's wedding and you know how I said I was finding it difficult to get excited about anything?  Well this is an exception to that.  By far.  I'm so fucking excited to see her (even though it is still far away wahhhh) sometime before November, and I'm more excited because I'll have her to myself for two days!  When she comes for holidays it is a lot of family stuff so we only usually get to like...go out for dinner and that's it.

So yeah.  I actually felt something at that!  Yay excitement!

Still haven't spoken to guy about things.  Still want to, but also don't want to.  It is a weird feeling right now, honestly.

I should do some work today, since I haven't done anything since Thursday, I think.  I have a ton of articles I still need to read.

Researching dog foods because Callie needs to switch off the puppy stuff soon.

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