Wednesday, August 28, 2013


The first book I have to read for my IR class is about the economics of pirates.  Yes.  This has absolutely nothing to do with the role of domestic politics in international relations (directly, anyway, I suppose).  It is about pirates.  That's not a metaphor.

It is about literal pirates

In other words, it is quite awesome.

So far I've realized that pirate society on television is nothing like how it apparently was, which was very democratic and full of checks-and-balances and all that stuff, which is super fucking cool.  Life apparently sucked hard on merchant ships, but was much more fair on pirate ships, because that is how they designed them.

It's so cool, ahhhh.  Solving Madison's Dilemma/paradox of power before most legitimate governments did.  Damn pirates.  You got way more awesome to me.

(If only there were more women in your ranks!)

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