Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Lagging while playing Halo is one of the most frustrating things I think I've ever experienced.  That and constantly being respawned behind enemy lines what the fuck game of course I'm going to die over nine thousand fucking times. 

Haven't spoken to guy since this morning and I'd really like to keep it that way for the time being.  Part of me is wondering if that's fair: he told me the truth, and now that I know he's not relationship material I feel like backing off?  It seems unfair of me.  I would like him as a friend, yes, but...I dunno.  I don't want to talk to him right now.  Really, I wish he had told me this much earlier than he had, because then I could have avoided certain texts and everything and not gotten so...attached.  (Not to mention maybe got cruise guy's number since I didn't do that.  Wah.)  If that is the right way to put it, I suppose.  I don't really know.  

(Also funny is that I was actually thinking about asking him to come with me to my sister's wedding, but I was hesitant because family will be around and all and I didn't know if that would weird him out.  But yeah.  Definitely not going to ask him now.  Derp.)

Part of me wonders if I annoy Anisha too much about this stuff.  I texted her about it earlier when we were going back and forth and she didn't get back to me and I'm kind of in this state of needing to talk to her but she's so busy with work so I don't like to bother her and everything either.  But I really need to talk to her.  I just feel so fucking detached from everyone right now and she's usually the one that can snap me back.  And there are others I could go to but I feel like all I do is talk about this stuff or the ex or other stupid fucking problem and it is probably annoying to everyone and everyone would rather tell me to shut up but they're all too polite.  Bah.  

Heh, maybe it is a good thing that my session had to get rescheduled for tomorrow instead of it being yesterday.  

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