Wednesday, July 3, 2013


Made it back home after a little too long; the LIE was in traffic the entire way and it was just awful, even in the HOV lane.  Callie did well in the car, as she always does!  And my parents were super excited to see her and everything too, which made me happy.

My session yesterday went well, which was good.  I brought the puppers in and she behaved very well, and Nancy and everyone in the office absolutely loved her.  Everyone does, because she is just so good and adorable.

But I explained a few things, especially being happy with only having one dream about the ex within the past week, and it was vague and I don't actually remember most of it.  I just remember that he was in it, and I remember brushing him off at some point, which was kind of...empowering, actually.  Even not remembering it a whole lot was a big deal, and I was pleased.

Carl's friend heads back to Texas today, so that is awesome and I'm more than pleased that I won't return to him when I go back to Binghamton on Sunday.  Though Callie did steal his sausage that he left too close to the edge of the counter, and while I scolded her for it...I was secretly proud.  She doesn't have to know.

Speaking of, she is Houdini, seriously.  She has gotten out of her crate twice.  I still don't exactly know how, since I close and lock it, but I have no idea and I am somewhat impressed, actually.

Had a misunderstanding with guy that I talked over with him.  He's in Maine this weekend, so I might not be able to text him as much as usual.

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