Tuesday, July 9, 2013


So even though I didn't get any research done, I still had a very big and productive day and that is really really good.  And I actually feel good now, since this morning I was kind of meh for no reason and I didn't understand exactly why.  Just one of those mornings, I suppose.

But I did clean the bathroom, and cleaning is a much less frustrating when all members of the house are doing some chore and we're all sort of joking about it and stuff.  It took a while, but it was a good time and I wasn't really angry afterwards.

I dog walked at the shelter for two and a half hours and it was awesome.  They're all so good and doing that always cheers me up from whatever mood I'm in.  And I ran with some of them!  Plus, I was told that everyone raves about me and loves that I decided to volunteer and kind of said that I was the favourite volunteer and that I really know what I'm doing and stuff.  For some reason this made me even happier than it should have.  I don't know why, but I was filled with this really warm happiness on the drive home.

Also went to Wegmans for two things.  Left with way more than that.  That store is dangerous.

Training was also quite good!  Going to try and do a bit more this week.

Tired, so I'm going to end this here.  But I had a productive day filled with puppers!  Which always means the day was good.

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