Friday, July 5, 2013


I think Callie is finally feeling better.  I've been giving her some rice today only, since it is supposed to be good for her tummy.  Only thing is now I'm not feeling so good.  So there's that.

I was going to start mixing the Iams with Blue Buffalo but I was so promptly told by my sister that that stuff "comes from China," which I had never heard.  I only heard good things about it.  But the way she said it made me feel really inadequate; like I can't choose a good food for my dog on my own.

I dunno.  I might be thinking too much into it just because I'm kind of tired and still bummed about tomorrow and everything.  I just want a special birthday, and it looks like I'll have to wait until next year at least to get it.  At least that it what it is looking like right now.

But at least my puppy seems to be feeling better.

This was going to be longer but I don't know what else to say.  I'm just kind of eh.

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