Friday, July 12, 2013

UC and Streetlight

So visiting Michelle and Ursinus was absolutely incredible and I hope I can head down there again soon or she can come up here or we can head to another concert together within the very near future!

I got down to UC a little after five, and after chatting with her and her suitemates for a bit, we headed over to Lancaster.  Got there at around 7, and we slowly crept towards the front during the pre-bands.  We got to a point where we were next to some really annoying guys who just kept complaining about the band which was on right before Streetlight.  Meanwhile, the band was actually good?  So I just said they were snobs and stuff.

When Streetlight came on, she and I got separated after a few songs.  Though at one point she came back to warn me that she may have seen the ex's girlfriend and so he might have been there with Sam, whom I had texted earlier asking him where he was.  But he wasn't, so wooooo.  Though "A Better Place, A Better Time" came on after and that distracted me.  I did tear up again from it; that song is really kind of dear to me.  Anyway, at first I was in the front, and she had been moving towards the back, near the mosh pit.  The guys by me weren't really doing anything, which kind of sucked because we were in the front.  So at one point, I turned around to look for her and she was more in the middle and was jumping around all over and I said to myself, "that's looks way more fun."  So I went back there and it was such a good decision.  We were in the mosh pit and just pushing everyone and it was great.

We did have to go to the bar for water, which I probably should have held off on, or drank much slower than I did.  My stomach had already been bothering me, probably because I hadn't eaten anything since lunch, and my lunch wasn't big either, and I didn't really hydrate beforehand.  Despite this stomachache though, I returned to the mosh pit with her, and we just kept jumping around and pushing into people, and I ran into Sam who also looked like he was having a great time.

The band played the same set as the one in Albany, which was good, even though I did want to hear some other songs.  But that's okay!  It also meant "Somewhere in the Between" was the final encore song.

We met up with Sam and Jocelyn after for a bit, but I kind of tried rushing outside because my stomach was churning.  I knew what was going to happen; I was just trying to get outside beforehand.  Didn't exactly make it.  I kind of made it to the trash can right before the door and started throwing up all the water I drank earlier (truthfully, and this is tmi, I started throwing up on the stairs but I tried to keep my mouth closed as much as I could before I got there).  I did feel a lot better after at least aha.

The bouncers and the cops unfortunately shooed us away really quickly, so we were only able to talk to Sam and Jocelyn for a bit, but it was really nice to catch up!  We were saying that we should get together sometime, which would be fantastic!  I don't know if they are going to Otakon this year, but it'd be cool to chill with them!

After, we headed back to campus (after a stop at Wawa of course) and took much needed showers, considering we were absolutely drenched.  It was kind of disgusting, but awesome at the same time?  But yeah.  Then we went to bed!  Also very needed aha.

This morning, we ran to get her friend coffee, and since she is a IR major looking at grad schools, I pitched Binghamton.  I don't mean to be all "COME TO MY SCHOOOOL" to people aha but we actually are one of the top programs for political science, with a very strong IR program.

Michelle had reservations for her and one of her friends at Red Robin, which was doing a test run since it is opening.  And so, everything was free.  Which was amazing.  And the two friends of hers who came with were both really nice and cool!  They had been working on a farm and herded chickens back into the coup, which was kind of adorable aha.  But they were really really nice and I would love to hang out with them again sometime when I visit her!

She had a meeting, so I ran around campus looking for any professors I had, but unfortunately none were around.  So I just walked around campus and stuff!  After, we ran to DQ and I got ice cream and she got coffee and we just chilled on the sidewalk and stuff.  And then I left after that.  Tomorrow I was supposed to host a person who is defending her thesis on Monday, but she emailed me and said she is going to stay with a friend instead.

There are some people from the rescue that Brendan is looking at coming to do a house visit tomorrow, and I was asked to be there.  I'm excited to meet them!

So yeah, these past two days were fantastic.  I had a lot of fun!

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