Tuesday, July 30, 2013

More Cruise Pictures

Obviously image heavy.  But Joanna posted hers up so now I wanna put more here aha. 

I feel like this picture sums up our relationship quite nicely. 

See this ocean?  All this ocean belongs to me.  

I don't know how to take a picture ever.  Also photobomb on the plane.

Dune buggy driving!  I really really really had way too much fun with that thing.

Castle/fort in San Juan!  It was kind of really awesome to go in and walk around and everything.

See?  Cat lady.  But they were absolutely adorable.

Grand Turk is pretty.  Also, I had to put in a shot of me walking because my sister took so many of those for some reason.

Here's another in San Juan.

And Half Moon Cay. 

Feeling a bit better about things but really only because I haven't been trying to think about them all too much.  Dexter and work provided some nice distractions. 

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