Tuesday, July 2, 2013


My internet is still down so this shouldn't be long but I was feeling sentimental and everything. Tomorrow I will be back on the Island so hopefully I will have a real entry then, which I would quite enjoy.

Anyway, at session today, it really hit me just how much Callie has helped me. She has me going outside, has me meeting new people, and has me focusing on someone other than myself. Rather than thinking about my sadness and about the past, I think about her. Thinking about her lets me not think about me. It lets me not think about the ex so much. It lets me just think about what I need to do for her and to provide for her. When I'm sad, I take her out, and when I see her all happy at the park or swimming or something...I can't help but feel at least a little bit better.

I may have had her only for a month, but she already is my best friend. And already my saviour, somewhat.

I love her.

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