Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I know the idea of thinking that someone is upset with me when they say they're feeling down and then don't really talk to me is more than a little egotistical.  And paranoid.  But I'm not the type who is going to push for an explanation, since that is kind of messed up and all.  I am curious, but unless that information is freely given to me, I don't really like prying.  

I have a book I should finish before tomorrow's meeting with my professor.  I swear I got more work done on my cruise than I have in the two weeks prior to it.  How the shit does that even make sense? 

I might take Callie to the doggie park later today.

Man, I feel like I had more to write in this right now, but I'm kind of just drawing blanks at the moment.  

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