Monday, July 15, 2013

I'm not a big summer person.  Never really have been, honestly.  It is far too hot and I'm just not a fan of the heat at all.  Because of the heat, training was cancelled for today.  I really appreciated that, actually.  Especially since I volunteered at the shelter today and it was kind of intense.  I even had a few dogs just up and stop on our walks and lay down in the shade.  So I walked less than I would have on a cooler day.  

I keep thinking about things that I probably should not be thinking of.  More of the "if an encounter happened, what would I say?" sort of thing.  Even though I know that won't happen, at least any time soon.  Maybe the scare I had made it more prominent in my mind?  That's the excuse I will tell myself, at the very least.

I want to talk to guy about how I'm feeling.  About how I'm just sad and stuff.  Ask him about...I dunno.  How much emotional investment I should put into this right now.  Because I really am feeling like I may be putting more into it than I should.  But at the same time...I'm afraid to.  I don't want to ask him and then scare him so that he doesn't want to talk to me anymore.  

Bah, I was going to write more, but I am tired so I think I'll just leave this here. 

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