Friday, July 19, 2013

I feel like I should be more excited for tomorrow than I am, but I'm kind of just tired today and kind of...not really feeling anything.  It's weird.  Maybe I'll feel it more when I'm on the plane or when I finally get on the boat or something.

Speaking of, I don't know if I'll be able to update at sea.  Not sure if 4G works out there or not, so might be a while after tomorrow until I post again.

Heh, last time I was on a cruise, I wrote letters every day.  Probably won't do the same thing again, because it will bring up memories and all that bullshit.  If anything, I'll just type something up somewhere and store it and all.  Don't need to necessarily post it right then and there.

I realized I forgot my belts so I went out and bought two new ones.  Because I really can never have too many belts anyway, so I didn't really care about spending to get new ones.  The store was also playing "The Hands that Thieve" album, so I was in there way longer than I should have been.  Oops.

Pizza and movies with fam tonight before we head out early tomorrow morning.

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