Tuesday, July 16, 2013

I had a weird fucking dream man.  It didn't involve the ex, which is good, but did involve the ex-roommate.  Who, for some reason, wouldn't leave the fucking bathroom even though I was on the toilet, and I have no idea exactly how many times I screamed at him to leave and that he could not stay in the room because I was trying to go to the bathroom.

This went on for a while, with him even trying to just leave stuff in there with me (his laptop, for one), and he wouldn't say anything.  Finally I was able to push him out and go, but I had this weird feeling he was acting so strangely (well...stranger than normal) because he was going to attack me once I left the bathroom.  So I built myself a shield out of the shit he left in there with me and walked out cautiously.  And what do you know, he did attack.  But with a keyblade.  And I shouted that I knew it, and whipped out my own and we started to battle.

I don't remember much after that.  And even what I wrote here doesn't give enough details but I am still very tired and whatnot.

Need to bring Cornelius in for an oil change, and I'm going to ask if they could look at his air conditioning, just to see if it just needs to be charged or anything.

Should do things today, since I've been slacking.

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