Wednesday, July 17, 2013

I feel bad going into a meeting knowing that I haven't done any work for the past week and so have nothing to show for it.  But how do I look at my professor and tell him that since I got back from the concert I've been a walking zombie who has to find the effort to even get out of bed, let alone try and do any sort of work?  And tell him that I'm just so exhausted all the time and I'm stuck in this pit of not caring about pretty much anything but Callie.  I don't care about myself, my work, or really anything else.  Just about her.  She's the only thing I constantly care and worry about.

And I have kind of a monster headache right now and I kind of want to just lay on this table and go to sleep.
Supposed to show around a first year in like...five minutes.  Kind of not in the mood.  Mostly because of how I've been feeling and now I need to act all happy and shit for him.  Bah.

Also need to take Cornelius in today for an oil change and an a/c check.  I was going to do that yesterday but.  Well we all know what happened there and stuff.

Man, I keep wanting to write more but then keep blanking on things to say.

I know all my entries lately have just been me whining.

Called doctor about my prescription but she was with a patient and hasn't gotten back to me just yet.

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