Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Man, it is almost laughable how much I just don't care about anything right now.  I'm forcing myself to pack and do laundry even though I would rather just play Halo and continue to avoid things I have to do for the rest of my life.

I reread Hyperbole and a Half's whole thing about her depression, and although I haven't experienced exactly the same thing, it is kind of scary how accurate that shit is.

And I think Brendan is either upset or angry about the fact that Callie isn't staying with him now, but I have many reasons for that, and I would just feel more comfortable leaving her with Dee and Nelson now.  And/or he's not happy that I said yesterday that I wouldn't see the dog he is looking at today, even though I said before that I would go if need be and stuff.  I don't know.  I can't tell these things?

I ate some mini crunch bars that I probably shouldn't have, because now my tummy hurts a little even though it is dinnertime.  At least I had a sandwich for lunch, which is healthier than normal for me, I suppose.

The new student was nice.  He looked a lot like musician guy, actually.  Took me a bit to realize that.

My friends don't really like guy, but it kind of hurts when they say that he's going to be the "Jerry" of his cohort.  ("Jerry" being a nickname for my ex-roommate; it represents the person in the cohort that no one likes and is really annoying and stuff.)  Now...he does come off arrogant and very strong, but...I dunno.  Despite some sad feels surrounding him lately, he hasn't done anything wrong, and has only tried to help me with things.  So I don't like when they say things like that.

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