Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I've actually gotten a decent amount of work and other stuff done today considering what I was smacked with before.  Though I am in a state of...emotionlessness.  Which is kind of draining in and of itself.  I was sad and I guess technically I still am but I don't really feel anything.  Just kind of a void.  And of course, that little berating voice in my head hasn't really been able to shut up at all today.  Woo.

And I don't mean to make this sound like a pity-party sort of deal, which I know I probably am,  Whatever.  I know it is my fault.  I should have realized, just like I should have realized with everyone else.  With the ex, with electrical engineer, with musician guy, and now with first year.  It's all on me, because I should know better and should be able to perceive things better and everything.

I think I'll play Halo to try and feel something.  It usually frustrates me at least, so there is some sort of emotion, even if that one is well...frustrating.  Ha.

Callie got a bath today at Petsmart so she smells awesome.  Woo.

There was something else I wanted to say but I don't remember right now.  I'm just kind of tired and everything, really.

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