Sunday, July 14, 2013

Now I understand why so many guys have problems tying ties.  My god this is way too complicated for its own good.  I need to figure out how to do this before Otakon!  I'll ask my dad, I think aha.  He knows how to do it.

In other words, put on my costume and I am pleased with it.  Everything is pretty much set with the exception of the wig, which is headed to McKenna's for styling.  The only things I need to do is figure out if I want to do the blue contacts (which I would love to do, but am skeptical about and everything), and I need to get the fangs all ready and stuff.  I do need to iron the jacket too.  But overall, it is pretty much ready!

I'm kind of in a weird down mood today, as I was yesterday.  And guy is upset about something but I don't know what and I don't want to impose and I think I may have been a bit too forward yesterday with him and bah.  I might be assuming too many things about us and stuff.  Not that I think we are together or a couple or anything, but more that...I don't know.  Maybe I'm thinking there are more emotions involved than there actually are, and I should stop thinking that.  It really shouldn't surprise me or anything.

It's really hot.  So I'm holed up in my room with the air conditioner blasting.  Kind of want to nap, but I'm pretty sure I slept for over 10 hours.

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