Saturday, July 13, 2013

I went to the doggie park with Callie for two and a half hours.  I didn't realize we were there for so long, but she was so energetic and there was a German Shepherd that really took to her and vice-versa.  Though he did get a little possessive over her; whenever another male dog came near her he got a bit angry, so we had to break up some stuff.  But she did get to swim and play and everything!  And I think it was good for her; she may have been so sassy lately because she hasn't been able to run around and everything.

Also bought my Streetlight tickets for November, woo!

Haven't eaten all that much today...I probably should change that, but I really don't want to?  Even though I know I should.  I'm eating some crackers right now but I also think that I should save any appetite I have in order to have something of real substance and all.

Friends are seeing World War Z later but I might just chill here.  I'm kind of tired and everything.

I might put on my cosplay outfit and see what it looks like!  It won't look complete without the wig, but I'm pretty much done aside from pants if the ones I own don't fit me, which is possible since I think I got new dress pants back in...September?  So yeah.

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