Thursday, July 4, 2013

Sick Puppy

Callie has thrown up five times today and I am really worried and I'm hoping that it was just a day bug and nothing more than that.  I might call the vet tomorrow just to be safe.  I don't like thinking she doesn't feel well and can't eat and every time she tries to eat something it just comes back up.

Maybe it was a reaction to the flea and tick stuff?  I have no idea...that might be something.  But she didn't have any reaction last time, so I really am not sure.  I'll have to read up on it and everything.  I'm starting to get nervous, because some reviews on the internet seem to say that the one I'm using isn't very good, but I bought a four month supply of it.  Wahhh.  Maybe I should have switched her to Frontline Plus instead, like I was originally thinking about doing.

Didn't do too much today other than hang out with the fam and shop for some stuff for Callie (she needed a new antler, for one).  I'm still unsure how I feel about Saturday coming up and everything and I don't think I'll have as good a time as I would have wanted to on my birthday.  Mostly because Danny isn't here when I thought he was, Brendan is here but so is his girlfriend, I don't know if Carl is going to come down...and then Anisha and Karen, whom I'd probably want to see the most, both aren't around.

I'm just getting less and less excited, I guess.  I'm just anticipating another lackluster birthday.

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