Sunday, September 1, 2013

Thanks to one very nice campus police officer, I was able to get into my building despite it being closed for Labour Day weekend.  Though I am sad that the library is closed because I really...need to print things.  Though I guess I first need to get this memo all done before I read for classes and all.  I still don't have the inspiration to write it, but I know if I wait for that, I'm going to be waiting forever, and I'm pretty sure this is already late.

This really should not be so difficult.

Also I want a soda but the machine is apparently out of order.  Sadness.  The worst part is that I was still incredibly tempted to put money in it because I want one that badly.  I have a problem.

The only productive thing I've done in the past 24 hours, it seems, is re-installing LaTeX on my computer.  Because I was thinking about it and I probably should try to relearn how to use that and everything.  For this and for now I'll keep using Word, but I think it might be a good skill to relearn.  I might have to dig up my notes from undergrad aha because I honestly don't remember shit about using LaTeX minus that I kind of hated it.  So I don't really know why I'm trying to relearn it.  I do think it is just a 'I ought to have that skill because it is useful' sort of thing.

Listening to Alkaline Trio for the first time, and they're enjoyable.

I just want to go to a concert.  Really, concerts have been where I feel actually alive and like I belong there and everything.  Unfortunately I don't think there are any in September from my bands that I can actually go to, and the next would be in October if I can swing by the Streetlight concert in Philly.  Which I want to, but I would need to get someone to watch Callie for the night, and I couldn't get that for the Dropkick concert.  Otherwise it would be Hallowmas, which is still questionable because I have game theory at 9:40 in the morning the next day (though I have said that unless there is a test on the 1st, I'm going to Hallowmas and then I will swing back that night so I could at least make the class).  And then if that can't happen either, the next one I'm definitely going to is the Streetlight weekend in Jersey in November.  Which is going to be epic, I already know, but it is too far away.

I could look for local stuff, but as much as I love live music to just sit there and listen to...I'm craving a mosh.

...Should get back to work, shouldn't I?

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